
K3LTC, Nate Berry

Operator Class: General
latitude: 40.83677
longitude: -72.91705
Grid Square: FN30mu

I received my Technician license on April 19, 2018 and successfully upgraded to General soon after on May 8, 2018. I participate in my local Radio club, Suffolk County Radio Club and in coordination with others in the club, help to run the club's website, groups.io instance and Google Workspace. I operate infrequently on the 2 meter and 70 centimeter bands locally. If I have time I check in to the Wednesday night rag chew net on 145.210 MHz. You can also find me on Mastodon.Radio (and look for the mastodon.radio web ring links at the bottom of this page! This site serves as a sort of virtual QSL card.

King Haakon The Good Confronted By The Farmers Of Mæren, By Peter Nicolai Arbo as transmitted over SSTV